Individual & Business Tax Preparation
Ward & Associates, CPAs, LLC is a Metro-Denver, Colorado CPA firm providing a wide variety of professional tax return preparation services to: Individuals, Sole Proprietors, Partnerships, Limited Liabilities Companies, S Corporations, C Corporations, Estates and Trusts.
Once again, Congress has changed the tax laws for all of us by enacting the 2013 American Taxpayer Relief Act on January 1, 2013. Individuals, estates, trusts and businesses are affected by this complicated, complex and confusing Tax Act. Never before has tax planning been so important to accommodate these changes in calculating your income taxes for 2013 and future years.
Our staff at Ward & Associates CPAs, LLC constantly studies the federal, state and local income tax laws, especially those laws relating to individuals and small businesses that have 5 or fewer owners, (often called “closely held” business entities).
Our firm also concentrates on the federal tax laws relating to estates and trusts as well. Ward & Associates, CPAs, LLC will work closely with your attorney, your insurance agent, and your financial planner to coordinate your family’s estate and trust tax planning.
Call us today at (720) 508-4177 or email us at to schedule your free “meet and greet” consultation to discuss your unique situation.